Tag Archives: veggie burger

The Beet’s Mushroom Walnut Quinoa Burger (Vegan)

1 Jul

The most popular posts I’ve ever done on Food, Mostly are vegan.

Coincidence? I think not.

In my opinion, vegan cooking requires just a little extra creativity and innovation. It is one of the reasons I enjoy preparing it so much. And it seems as though there are a lot of you out there searching for vegan inspiration! 

The number one, hands-down most popular post on the history of this site is this recipe for tofu “butter chicken” (and one of my personal fave recipes ever). The second is for this balsamic and honey glazed tempeh bowl, and tied for third is this recipe for veggie burgers made with black beans, mushrooms and walnuts from a few years back.

Every so often I like to revisit old recipes (as I believe I’ve improved in the kitchen/blog over time). However, this time I stole a similar recipe from the kitchen at work.

I present to you, The Beet‘s famous Mushroom Walnut Quinoa Burger



You’ll Need:

2 cups cooked quinoa
2 cups mushrooms, sliced (I used half white, half crimini)
1 large white onion, diced
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon dried sage
1 cup walnuts
2 tablespoons almond butter (can substitute tahini, as I did)
1/4 cup tapioca starch (can substitute corn starch)
Salt and pepper
Olive oil to coat mushrooms

1. In large roasting pan, combine walnuts, onions, garlic cloves and mushrooms. Coat with olive oil, sage, salt and pepper.
2. Roast for 30 minutes at 400.
3. Meanwhile, cook quinoa on stove top.
4. Once roasted, drain off excess moisture and combine mushroom mixture in food processor with 1 cup of cooked quinoa (reserve other cup) along with tahini (or almond butter) and tapioca starch. Leave oven hot.
5. Once blended, add rest of cooked quinoa and mix (so the quinoa remains whole)
6. Taste for salt and pepper. Adjust seasoning if necessary.
7. Form into patties (makes approx 8) and put on greased baking sheet. Bake burgers at 400 for 15-20 minutes.
8. While baking, prepare your toppings.
9. Serve hot!

They’re not the prettiest but any stretch, but they’re tasty, filling and easy to prepare.

Note: these burgers are not crispy. They are a bit soft. For a crispier (and more decadent) effect, coat in cornmeal and fry in coconut oil. Also, taste for flavour again after adding the quinoa, as I find it can dilute the depth a bit.

Load up with your favourite toppings! I chose fried balsamic mushrooms, old cheddar-not vegan!!-, hummus, avocado and BBQ sauce.

Or…if you’re just plain lazy and happen to be in Toronto, come visit me at my adorable little home-away-from-home, The Beet!



Foreshadowing Summer: Black Bean and Lentil Burgers

30 Jan

It recently occurred to me that for people tuning in to this very new blog, I must come across as a total carnivore. Those that are close to me know that I love vegetarian and even vegan cooking as much as I love meat. I find that vegetarian cooking unlocks a whole new level of creativity while recreating and perfecting the flavours and textures of everyday favourites- and as an added bonus, often yeild much healthier results.

Apparently, January was a time to indulge in the meaty comfort foods- hence the recent basics- pizzas, ribs and chili. This month is also the beginning of the new year, and along with that come new fitness related goals- including eating more protein. Interesting!  To observe evolving trends in ones eating habits and changing preferences over time!

So, as not to alienate any vegetarian readers, and also just ’cause I love ’em, tonight’s mission was to create the perfect veggie burger.


"Massaging" the lemon into the kale makes it tender, as the acids break it down faster. I like kale with lemon, olive oil and sea salt

The beauty of veggie burgers is that they can take on countless incarnations. Homemade are always superior to store-bought, which are often filled with highly processed soy byproducts and artificial flavours- disgusting not healthy. Why  go there when making your own is so satisfying? I served these with a kale salad and topped them with sharp organic cheddar and avocado!


  • 1 can lentils
  • 1 can black beans
  • fresh cilantro
  • 1 cup cooked brown rice (can sub quinoa, have done it-works well too!)
  • 1 medium onion
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon cumin
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon onion salt
  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon hot sauce
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • black pepper to taste
  • 2 cups breadcrumbs (or however much is needed to solidify)
  • 1/2 cup chickpea flour
  • cornmeal
  1. Rinse lentils and beans and in large bowl mash with fork or potato masher
  2. In food processor, combine garlic, onions, and celery ( used for crunch, could also use bell pepper or carrots) and combine with beans and lentils. Add fresh cilantro.
  3. In small bowl, combine eggs with spices, and then add to bean mixture
  4. Add bread crumbs and flour to mixture until it is firm enough to make patties (don’t forget, they will firm up when cooking!)
  5. In medium hot pan melt coconut oil ( about 2 tablespoons) and add burgers. Make sure the pan is nice and hot! Sprinkle the tops of the burgers with cornmeal, and fry until golden brown, repeat on other side.
  6. Grease baking pan and transfer burgers to oven- cook at 350 for about 10 minutes.

This makes about 8 burgers. The frying crisps up the outside and the cornmeal adds a bit of extra crunch. The baking then properly cooks the onion and garlic, and results in a nice soft center! These could easily be made vegan by substituting the egg with ground flax seed and water as a binder.

Equally as satisfying as meat, and lighter too

the vegan delicious

Vegan Food + Recipes


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